Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dickert/Turner Face Rematch

For all intents and purposes the race is over. It's Dickert and Turner headed for a rematch to their brutal Assembly race in 2002. For those of us around at the time, that was a tough, tough race. Could we see more of the same in the next month? Let the sprint for endorsements and donations begin ...

What they have to say to the African American Community.

Robert Turner Video:Click here to view


Colt said...

Bob Turner for Racine
John Dickert for outside developers

Anonymous said...

Got in wrong Colt, Turner for Racine Dickert for Slumlords

Anonymous said...

No one is for slumlords you idiot. There are a few of us good land lords out here who have actually invested a lot of money and made a difference to a couple neighborhoods, thank you. Good land lords have an important place in this town too. Don't discriminate against everyone who collects rent....and pays taxes (that keep going up making our challenges all the more difficult).

colt said...

Slum Lords are the bane of Racine and IMHO Dickert is right with them.

Fred said...

Colt give an example.